AKIGAI - A solution for neuropathic pain
Client: Akigai AS - https://akigai.no/
Task: Together with Jan Palmer we got the task to explain and showcase a new revolutionary drug that as the power to eliminate neuropathic pain in countless patients around the globe.
Video, interviews and edit: Jan Palmer
Animation script: Torben Taaseth
Storyboard: Torben Traaseth
Animation: Torben Traaseth
Sound design: Uhørt Oslo - Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Voice: Yngvild Grotmol @yngvild_grotmol
Task: Together with Jan Palmer we got the task to explain and showcase a new revolutionary drug that as the power to eliminate neuropathic pain in countless patients around the globe.
Video, interviews and edit: Jan Palmer
Animation script: Torben Taaseth
Storyboard: Torben Traaseth
Animation: Torben Traaseth
Sound design: Uhørt Oslo - Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Voice: Yngvild Grotmol @yngvild_grotmol